22 November 2006

Charter Sucks!!!

Ummm, so one random thought before I go out tonight. Charter Communications is by far the WORST Cable Operator on the planet. I have worked in the Cable industry, and know what customers how to expect and the proper way to deliver that. Charter doesn't have a clue! I spent 1.5 hours today with Charter on the phone and online with a simple request to add digital cable. Those people are chomping at the bit to get people to sign-up for digital cable and get more revenue. One would think they would staff their customer care lines with personnel competent to process a simple upgrade and schedule it. Well, my friend, that's NOT the case with Charter. No wonder satellite companies are doing so well.


Does turkey make you sleepy? You be the judge: wiki, snopes.com.

Thanksgiving Eve

Happy Thanks- giving Eve! Here's to another beautiful day in the STL. The forecast is still showing decent weather for Thanks- giving, which will make my trek home easy.

Last night, I cooked my second (annual) Thanksgiving dinner. I think it went well. Today I have a fridge full of leftovers that I somehow have to consume before they go bad. And for those of you asking, yes, it was a full fledged Thanksgiving dinner with a whole (14 lb.) cooked turkey. I am quite proud of myself for pulling it off.

P.S. Yes, you can call me Grandma.

20 November 2006

Note to Self

Never shop at Schnucks in Ladue again. Ever.
Finally, something different to report. Finally a sunny day. The forecast shows blue skies and warm weather (low 60's) all week. I'm sure it's a fluke. It will probably be raining by morning.

18 November 2006

Christmas in November

I want to scream. I love the Christmas/holiday season as much as anyone else, but things are really getting out of hand. People have been arguing about the commercialization of the season forever, and I'm in agreement. I'm on my soap box about this today after reading this article from KAIT-TV in Jonesboro, Arkansas about "Holiday Shopping in Full Swing." Come on people, aren't we getting ahead of ourselves here? We haven't even had Thanksgiving yet, and people are already in "full swing" for Christmas shopping??? And Santa? Give me a break. Sitting in the massage chair at Brookstone in the middle of October with Christmas music playing in the background should have been my wake up call...

17 November 2006


Happy Fry-day. And a shout-out to my 6th and 7th grade Science teacher Mr. Scott, who would always write the day of the week on the chalkboard. I guess he put it on the board in case we forgot. As if we would conveniently forget the day of the week, especially Friday. And it was never Friday, but always Fry-day.

Well, here's the view today. Not much different from yesterday. Still cloudy, but a little drier. Thank God the weekend is almost here. And for the Egg McMuffin that I had for breakfast to soak up the alcohol from yesterday.

16 November 2006

Busch's Grove

Well, tonight I had my first experience at Busch's Grove in Ladue. It was quite interesting. Busch's Grove is an ultra-modern venue with over-priced drinks. I have to say the martinis (specifically the Cosmopolitan) are quite tasty. I think I was a bit over-served after four. Then Jill's sister came by our table and brought us these chocolate-like martinis, and that sent me over the edge. Overall, it was a good time. I had the chance to network with some of my co-workers and customers. A very productive (and intoxicating) evening.


This is a test. Yep, it worked. I can send blogs from my phone. This could be fun.

Internet Filters Suck

After about 15 minutes of wrestling with my computer, I learned that the Siemens Proxy Server doesn't allow access to Blogger. It is blocked under the category "Pornography." Someone please show me where this porn is.

No Snow Today

Welcome to my first blog on blogger.

The National Weather Service had been predicting some snow early this morning, but to my dismay, I awoke to none. I should have known better. I've loved snow since I was a kid. Back then, snow usually meant a day (or five) without school and hours of fun outside sledding and having snowball fights. While the only joy I receive from snow these days involve racing down a snow-covered mountain dodging trees and moguls, it really means nothing more than people hoarding milk and bread from the grocery stores and traffic headaches.

I shouldn't love snow like I did when I was a kid, but I guess some things never change.