31 December 2006

Observations while shopping

Before you ask me, "Why the hell were you shopping at Dillard's and Wal-Mart?" Let me preface this blog with stating my support Arkansas based companies. Just because I moved away, doesn't mean I forgot where I came from...

Just a couple of observations while shopping today:
1) Dillard's at the Galleria only has a very small selection of Lucky Jeans. Can anyone explain this to me? Dillard's in Marion, IL which is probably 1% the size of the STL metro has a wide selection of Lucky's. Did I mention the only style available at the Galleria was Carpenter Jeans? Carpenter Jeans??? Give me a break!

2) The marketing minds at Wal-Mart never cease to amaze me. Today while shopping at my friendly Maplewood Wal-Mart, the first racks in the center aisle that leads down Health & Beauty and the Pharmacy were stocked with weight scales. At least 2 or 3 racks full. Analog, digital, take your pick. Wouldn't you say that's quite ingenious given that a majority of Americans will resolve to lose weight in 2007?


Here's to NYE in St. Louis minus the shattered glasses, broken beer bottles, and Mark almost asking me to leave the Zone.

New Year's Eve 2006

It's on like Donkey Kong...

22 December 2006

Thoughts on Parenting

I once thought the worst thing about being a parent would be changing soiled diapers. This week, I have painfully discovered buying toys is much more excruciating.

Hwy 40 Rebuild

MODOT has a pretty impressive animation depicting the new interchange at US-40/I-64 and I-170.

19 December 2006

Long Time, No Blog

Ok, so it's been almost a month since I've posted. Things have been quite hectic with all going on with the holidays. Since I've posted last, I've celebrated Thanksgiving and Vince's Birthday, gone home to Arkansas, Chicago twice, Raleigh, NC and a couple of other places for work. Add to that an ice storm and multiple trips to the dentist to be fitted with orthodontics, and you'll see how crazy my life has been.

This is supposed to be the calm week, the calm before the storm. All I have to do this week is get caught up on some work stuff and get my Christmas shopping done. My crazy holiday schedule is as follows:
12/24 - 12/26 - Home (AR) for Christmas
12/26 - 12/27 - Marion, IL for work
12/28 - 1/2 - STL
1/3 - 1/5 - Raleigh, NC for work
1/5 - 1/7 - Tampa, FL to visit Stacey
1/7 - 1/10 - Orlando, FL for work

I don't really have anything else to say at this point, but keep checking back for more posts in the coming days.