31 December 2006

Observations while shopping

Before you ask me, "Why the hell were you shopping at Dillard's and Wal-Mart?" Let me preface this blog with stating my support Arkansas based companies. Just because I moved away, doesn't mean I forgot where I came from...

Just a couple of observations while shopping today:
1) Dillard's at the Galleria only has a very small selection of Lucky Jeans. Can anyone explain this to me? Dillard's in Marion, IL which is probably 1% the size of the STL metro has a wide selection of Lucky's. Did I mention the only style available at the Galleria was Carpenter Jeans? Carpenter Jeans??? Give me a break!

2) The marketing minds at Wal-Mart never cease to amaze me. Today while shopping at my friendly Maplewood Wal-Mart, the first racks in the center aisle that leads down Health & Beauty and the Pharmacy were stocked with weight scales. At least 2 or 3 racks full. Analog, digital, take your pick. Wouldn't you say that's quite ingenious given that a majority of Americans will resolve to lose weight in 2007?

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